VIC Disqualified in WA but hold a Vic licence

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Active Member
15 January 2018
I have called numerous traffic lawyers and the advice is conflicting! Some say the disqualification applies and if caught driving I could be charged with driving whilst suspended. Others say WA police do not have the authority to disqualify my Victorian drivers licence in Victoria so I can continue driving until convicted and informed by Vic roads.

I don't want to shop around for the answer I want to hear, just want the correct answer! Unfortunately an immediate disqualification may result in me losing my job as I require my licence for my current role but a delayed disqualification allows time for me to be trained and work in an office based role at the company-hence my desperation to get a clear answer so I can deal with the consequences either way.

I think my only option is to not risk driving as I cannot risk jail time for driving whilst suspended with my little one due-I have already messed things up enough for my family through my own stupidity. This is rock bottom really


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
When is court,? Gonna give you 2 different angles.
1. Comtact your car insurance company...dont tell them your name. Sit at a computer when on the phone and ask th to direct you to their rules on disqualification.. i think u might find u are no longer insured. It does not answer the question about whether or not you can legally drive... but worth a thought.
2. Do the same with vic roads... surely there is a policy doc somewhere?
Dont drive until u have an answer...
Get a lawyer... attend court... but catch a bus...
Pregnant wife is a good start towards getting a reduced sentence if u have a good solicitor...


Well-Known Member
5 January 2018
I am giving my point of view of my understanding and attending court (for one case of mine)[in NSW]: there are infringements which are a No-No in the court: red light and drink driving, as these are considered major offences and the Magistrate will not tolerate any excuse, I heard many asking for a lighter sentence as their job relies on driving (possibility of losing the job too) or that they are the sole driver in the family and need the licence to attend to family matters like driving kids to school or others to jobs, there was no mercy from the Magistrate. Example: one older gentleman who had a good driving record for more than 15yrs, still got no mercy for crossing a red light by mistake. Sorry for this bad news, but Good luck.
What you can do is contact a traffic lawyer in VIC and let him know of your situation and hopefully you will be able to get a good answer and not get in more trouble.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
I agree WA police cannot suspend your Vic licence.

What should happen is that WA informs VicPol or VicRoads of the offence. Once VicRoads gets notification they apply the relevant point lose or mandatory loss of licence. They are then supposed to notify you of whatever has happened. Not sure when loss of licence starts. Call VicRoads and ask them.