So given the length of my previous conviction was over 10 years ago and the minor value of this offence, how will that previous conviction impact my sentence? I'm very worried because my job requires me to travel overseas and this is clearly stated on my letter of offer.
I have been so worried to the point where i would have sleepless nights, and I dream about the police coming to my house to handcuff me.
I'm very worried the magistrate won't believe it was an honest mistake because of the statement I gave to police. I'm afraid that he/she won't believe I was so scared at the time that I just said I did it and go home. I offered to pay for the variance to the LP officer but he won't let me.
Fuzztwo I don't think I'm allowed to give you a few mates who are Criminal and other such solicitors and barristers' contact details who would be happy to talk to you over the phone or see you for free advice. All I can say is to easy your mind, get legal advice.
Explain the situation as you have done here and anything else relevant. There are plenty of free legal advice if you can't use legal aid. At community centres, free legal advice places set up as first in, first served. Look it up in the telephone book or Internet 'free legal NSW'. Otherwise, ring around as plenty of law firms will give free advice for the first 30-60 minutes or know someone who can do Pro Bono work for you.
Paying a solicitor regarding your case especially if you obtain all information from the police, copy of your statement, etc. as much as you can gather, give it to a solicitor and let them plead your case. It really would be better for you to be represented in your court hearing by a solicitor/ lawyer given your fear of it affecting your job and worth the cost.
Let us know how it turns out.