Sorry, can't help you any more. I am in Victoria and don't know the applicable law in NSW. The information you provided doesn't tell me what law they are using. Hopefully someone else can help you.
I believe that Offence Code 9325 means failing to comply with a council erected sign under The N.S.W Local Goverment Act 1993.
I have also been advised that where it is legal to park it is legal to sleep in your vehicle in N.S.W under this same act.
Can someone please confirm this one way or the other as I have just bought a campervan and have been reading all the talk on this topic online? And to be honest, I'm scared and intimidated now and am considering selling my camper due to all the confusion of what we can and cannot do combined with there being no actual legal definition of what camping actually is.
I want to know where exactly it is written stating I can or cannot park or camp/sleep in my camper under this act or w under whatever act it is stated. Any help from knowledgeable people who know the laws pertaining to all this would be appreciated.
I am not experienced with law and find the act itself confusing and hard going to read. Some are saying that many of these no camping signs have been erected illegally, The N.S.W Local Government Act 1993 states that it is legal to sleep in your vehicle in N.S.W where it is legal to park.
Does anyone know where I can see it myself in law so that when I am camping or simply resting or parked I can pull out a pre-printed and laminated copy to defend myself, without this knowledge I cannot defend myself in anyway.