..... does this mean ALL my loans to the company has to be turned into capital or would this in turn mean everyone's else loans will also need to be turned into capital as well?
No and not necessarily. It is important that others are not disadvantaged. It may be that no-one else wants the same option as you so there is no disadvantage to them.
Also, if they extend the offer to me, does that mean they have to extend it to everyone else as well?
Potentially yes. But, if others get the share issue for capital, then the no-disadvantage rule may become less important because they can get an advantage of new shares through their purchase.
Note that this becomes a shareholder issue, not a board issue and therefore you need a special company meeting to pass motions affecting shares.
Also, 1 minority shareholder cannot hold back a company from doing what it needs to grow or change, but the changes do need to done with board approval and in accordance with the company constitution. Much depends on your influence with the board.