The whole point of withdrawing half is to ensure that if she's been advised to make inquiries on how to go about closing the account etc and settling this, she doesn't find out it's possible for her to do take half now, or worse, take it all.
I'm honestly looking at doing the following:
-Contact solicitor on Monday morning. Ask if it's possible to withdraw the application for consent orders.
-If they say No, i would get the account frozen immediately.
-If they say yes, I can withdraw the application, i would contact the bank immediately and transfer half to myself and half to my solicitors trust account.
-I would then call my solicitor back immediately and advise them of the transfer, and to withdraw the application.
-On confirmation that the money has arrived in both mine and the solicitor's trust account I would close the account. I would then advise my solicitor to contact my former partner and explain that the bank failed to freeze the account, and I done what I did to prevent my former partner from taking the full balance. I would advise them to make arrangements to transfer my former partner her share of the money.
-I would email my solicitor a bank statement as evidence of a 50/50 split and evidence of account closure.
-There isn't much more to the consent orders other than these 2 accounts, and the revocation of a registered relationship certificate which I can add the cost of doing so to the balance of my former partner's share and advise them to do so, as I believe it isn't possible for me to help in this process anyway, from overseas.
I don't see how this can come back to haunt me. We had signed an application for 50/50 split, and the Magistrate would have little to no reason to refuse.
Putting the I've already gone through the whole process of paying for this aside, this whole post is based around the fact that I'm now aware it's possible to settle outside of court. Any opinions on the above plan?