ACT Changed Job Structure and Bullying

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Penny Chen

27 February 2018
In the role I am in my work structure has recently changed. I was acting two levels higher for a number of years (level 6) and equal to another woman who is permanent at level 6 - although our jobs had a different focus.

There was an organizational change that resulted in people of my "trade" being told that they were now no longer "allowed" to do certain tasks we had done for years and all our duty statements at all levels were changed to reflect this.

At the same time my higher duties was ceased (from level 6 back to level 4) as it was deemed that the reason for paying the higher duties no longer existed because the tasks that warranted it under the old model were not tasks that existed on my new duty statement (the level 6 job I did the higher duties in was disestablished) and the tasks equated to a level 4 (my substantive level and employed position). This was fine and I accepted the change and what my new (lower level) duty statement looked like.

The problem is that the other woman in the area who is substantive level 6 has also had her responsibilities changed which means her workload has reduced and tasks I should be doing at my level she keeps taking.

Whenever I commence or am asked to undertake a task by someone in the branch we support she is constantly butting into the conversations and "taking over", she even does this when I am talking to people on the phone. If we are in meetings she talks over top of me when I am passing on information. We use a shared mailbox (compulsory) and she takes the tasks out of there that are addressed to me in the salutation.
I tried talking to her about it about a year ago but she just blatantly denies it happens even when I gave her examples - she said I am the one with the problem not her - its like hitting my head against a brick wall.

I feel like she is trying to take all of my work and make my job redundant. I have tried talking to my current supervisor but he doesn't see the problem - he works in a different office area.

She has done the "butting in" behavior since I started at work there - she does it to some (not all) other people too but its easier for them to push her off because they don't have to work with her. She has done it to at least three other co-workers I know of, two have since left (for their own reasons) and one of them did report it (to the supervisor at the time, different one from the current one) but no action was taken. The third works out of another branch but still has problems with her and has also reported it but with no action taken. It doesn't impact him as much as me because he doesn't sit with us.

I have reported it to previous supervisors and none of them did anything and I gave up trying despite how stressed, belittled and humiliated she made me feel. But at that time it was before our duty statements changed so she had enough work to keep her occupied without taking mine so the behavior was irritating in that it undermined me (as I felt she was trying to make it look like I didn't know what I was talking about) but I did not feel my job was being threatened.

Our part of the organization is undergoing change and some jobs will be lost, but I feel like she is taking my work off me to protect her own job. What little I do still get to do she tries to micro-manage even though other people in different areas at my level are team leaders and supervisors - so there is certainly an expectation that level 4 is capable of semi-independent work and working at higher level for over 4 years I have proven myself able to work independently. My boss has given us our duty statements but they are really generic and has asked me to write down what tasks I do - this is hard to do when she keeps taking my work - and I think he is doing it to report to the next bosses up if any of our jobs can go, she knows this and wants to keep her job at my expense.

Is it workplace bullying if someone deliberately takes your work off you and undertakes to undermine you by constantly talking over you - especially if jobs are at risk. And is it also bullying when they start to treat you like you are incompetent even though you have proven yourself at a higher level and have never been counseled for poor or below standard performance at either level.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Based on what you describe it is borderline as to whether any bullying has occurred.

You are also both women so sexual discrimination is not an issue.

Suggest you read up on how to be more assertive at work. It is possible to become more assertive without being aggressive.