WA Chances of Including Kids in Restraining Order Against Mother?

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Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
I don't know if a VRO / AVO is worth it... Sometimes, it is throwing petrol on a fire...

If the cops grant it, there will be more animosity. If they don't and she is interviewed, she'll know she can get away with it....

And you are not gonna get a police escort to every swap over are you?

Hoang Trang

Well-Known Member
22 July 2016
I don't know if a VRO / AVO is worth it... Sometimes, it is throwing petrol on a fire...
If the cops grant it, there will be more animosity.
If they don't and she is interviewed, she'll know she can get away with it....
And you are not gonna get a police escort to every swap over are you?

She has been formally charged with assault although her boyfriend got off. My hearing for the VRO is tomorrow which is surprisingly quick. I'm sick of the constant verbal abuse and threats of violence of which my kids are constantly subjected to. This is a wake up call for her and she better bloody well start acting like a responsible adult let alone a mother.
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Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Yep go for it...
While being the 'bigger' person is one thing, once the cops are willing to charge someone with assault, it is clearly bigger than being the bigger person.

Hoang Trang

Well-Known Member
22 July 2016
Had my hearing today but application was dropped. Although the magistrate knew where I was coming from he said needs to deal with the family courts. I was too focussed on my kids then myself for them to grant one for at least me. Disappointed and could see the court staff showing sympathy.

But my ex just got granted one against me as she texted me the VRO. I can't believe this. Obviously she Went to court telling a bunch of lies. And of course she didn't mention her being charged with assault.

So now I have 21 days to object this right? What is the whole process involved? Obviously telling court I was assaulted and she was charged.

I'm so angry is not funny. I had a police report and told the courts she was charged with assaulting me. All I want is to protect my kids from this every happing again. But she can come in and lie and gets granted one?
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Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Nope it is normal... two people (mostly not you Trang Hong) using the system.
How much money do you have to throw at this thing with solicitors fees?

The law suxs... and is best avoided.
But I don't actually believe the ex... She got an AVO and texted it to you? the cops have not been in contact?
she is lying..
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Well-Known Member
27 July 2016
Perhaps it just hasn’t been served yet... either way so sorry to hear this

Hoang Trang

Well-Known Member
22 July 2016
Nope it is normal... two people (mostly not you Trang Hong) using the system.
How much money do you have to throw at this thing with solicitors fees?

The law suxs... and is best avoided.
But I don't actually believe the ex... She got an AVO and texted it to you? the cops have not been in contact?
she is lying..
Well she pictured msg me the VRO so diffintely granted just not served. How does this whole contesting it work? I have wasted enough money on family court already so will be self representing.

So she is charged with assault on Tuesday and applies for a VRO on Wednesday. Surely this is obvious when it goes back to the court? But I have lost almost all faith in the system

I did not do anything wrong. She is the one who constantly makes threats, abusing me emotionally and physically. And I'm the one who is punished.