Today I was very stupid and decided to try and shoplift something from a major clothing store. It was only valued at about $30. I was caught, and was told to give the item back and not return to the store, however the lady who told me didn't get a name or any form of identification just let me leave. It gave me a fright I regret it horribly and will never do it again, I don't even know why I did in the first place. My concern is that she will contact my school, as I was in school uniform. I didn't have any logos but had the skirt on. I will happily pay any fine or anything if the police find me, and I'll never return to the store or try anything like that again. (I think it was because I've been stressed, really acted on a whim). All I hope is that she doesn't try and find my school and contact it as I am a good student and do not want my records within the school changed, especially since I would like a leadership position. I was just wondering if anyone knew what the store will do, having no name or anything from me.