Question Time from the Qld Parliament today concerning the towing industry. The saga continues .... even allegations of a Labor backbencher being embroiled in the debacle.
Tow truck scam complaints were tabled. Shadow Transport Minister Andrew Powell asked the Premier about her stance on the tow truck industry and tabled “a stack of documents” relating to complaints about a towing business linked to controversial Labor backbencher Rick Williams, and queried if it would be investigated.
Ms Palaszczuk said “there has been a lot of complaints” about the industry but declined to answer whether Mr Williams’ business would be investigated.
Shadow Education Minister Tracy Davis asked the Premier whether she could guarantee a towing business linked to Mr Williams wasn’t charging “exorbitant fees” to customers.
Mr Williams objected to the question, on a point of order, claiming the question was misleading.
Ms Palaszczuk said she would “be more than happy” to look into the matter.
“It’s a bit rich coming in here, having an allegation against someone without substantiation,” she said.
Ms Palaszczuk said she was unable to read through the 150-plus pages tabled by the Opposition during the question and go through it before the time allocated for her answer.
Shadow Police Minister Tim Mander asked the Premier whether Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey had failed to deal with the tow truck industry, despite receiving a complaint by a constituent in Everton Park.
Ms Palaszczuk said the report in the tow truck industry scams, revealed by The Sunday Mail, showed dodgy practices were widespread.