Hi, everyone.
Detailing this correspondence between ourselves we need to be of the utmost carefulness that we don't prejudice any actions that can be taken or open anyone to potential defamation lawsuits. As someone who has personally dealt with the owner of Cactus Towing, I am well aware of the business practises that they have deployed which will be the subject of a number of applications I am making before the courts and hence it is not wise to comment on such matters within a public forum.
As this is a public forum I am at odds to discuss the full extent of the business practises that I have been made aware of, however, I can personally assure you that such practises have a clear and actionable cause and nothing would bring me a greater degree of joy then to, at my own cost and time, seek to stand up for people that have been unfairly dealt with. At the very least, I will be seeking that the towing fees incurred by parties (where the court deem they are an unreasonable penalty) are refunded.
Please remember that we must maintain the highest morale standard when dealing with these allegations with the golden rule "if my actions were to make the front page of the newspaper would I be ashamed" a great litmus test. I can personally assure each and every one of you that I will get a win on this one and would be more than pleased to help other people that have been affected by the alleged conduct.