The same thing happened to me, it was in-front of an empty office block that was for lease with no warning signage at all. The company was Cactus Towing in Kedron, Brisbane.
I got charged the full 660 (apparently an extra 110 slammed on top because it was after hours at 5:40 pm). He further tried to refuse entry to the car with were the licence and credit card was stored and said i wasn't allowed to do anything as it was 'private property' (even though it is a business for which i was invited into prior).
I'm fairly well versed in a number of legal matters and am in the process of getting further legal advice. I'm not familiar with any of the Tow Truck Acts and Regulations of Queensland however as a private operators they apparently don't fall under these rules (legal loops holes are fantastic).
Saying that, they did breach a number of other QLD Fair Trade issues according to a solicitor and I have been in contact with the owners of the private property (something I would suggest you do) and discussed the situation with them as they were unaware that this was happening. Without the approval of the property owners and verification of all documentation from the towing company prior to the tow I do know that they can be caught on a breach of the Tow Truck Acts and Regulation (you will have to check this with your state legislation). If it helps, I will find out more about this as the legal proceedings begin but I do have a lot of evidence on the matter (voice recording of the whole fiasco, photographs of 'signage' and their terms and condition, the truck they used to tow, damage to the vehicle - if any, the towing licence information, etc... All of which I accumulated while invited onto their place of business i.e. not private property at the time).
I will say on a more personal note that I would never go to these sort of extremes over a mere 660, however I did try and discuss with the tow truck driver [Moderator redacted personal name - Community Guidelines] about the issue and as a smaller female he became very very aggressive and threatening (once I was locked into his premises) and I even had to pocket dial 000 as I was very scared for my safety. This will be a completely different legal proceeding as my evidence supports the harassment and is a police issue rather than a state legislative one.
These sort of companies are just so horrible and out of place in Australia and it is such an obvious hustle and shake down run by thugs who use bully tactics to scare away any potential consequences. This is definitely one loops hole I will be lobbying to government as vehemently as I can to close.
I hope if anyone else has to deal with these people, please be prepared.
I just read your post and had a similarly horrible experience with Cactus Towing today. I went into a business in Bowen Hills (Brookes St) that had a small private car park. There are about four small businesses all in a little walled complex.
I did see a sign that said "Authorised parking only whilst on premise all other vehicles will be towed away." It didn't mention any specific business name. Given I was going to a business within the centre, I thought there was no issue. Imagine when I look outside 10 minutes later to see my car on the back of a tow truck.
The driver was awful and said he didn't know who had called him and didn't care that I said I had two little kids to pick up from school. With that he towed my car away right in front of me despite me saying I would go inside and get my credit card to pay him.
I found out the business (a solar business at 32 Brookes St) had called the tow truck company as the spot I parked in (right near the business I was going into) was for his customers only. I explained that I didn't know this and thought it was acceptable to park there, because the sign didn't state his specific business name and I was 'authorised' as I was shopping in the centre. Like the tow truck driver, he didn't care less.
I then had to make my way to Cactus Towing where I was verbally abused when I told them I would contact a lawyer about this and physical intimidated and stood over by a very large doggy looking guy. (I'm a small female) He then said 'good luck with a lawyer- they can't touch us.'
I was wondering if you had any luck? I've contacted the Office of Fair Trading that said because it was a private car park the owner can do as he likes. This sounds odd as by this standard he could spray paint and vandalise any car that parks in his car park.
I'm contacting a lawyer tomorrow to get some further civil advice. The $550 isn't the issue- it's the fact I feel robbed and was made to feel very intimidated.