VIC Car Accident with Cyclist

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LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Might be a good time to get legal advice.

Remember the TAC in Vic covers most costs of accidents. Not sure of the detail though.


Well-Known Member
30 May 2014
An associate of mine had an essentially similar experience a while back. Attending police advised.the driver was not at fault although a summons for failing to drive with due care and attention was issued months later. Eventually it was established the cyclist was telling a porkie regarding location prior to the altercation and police withdrew. Mind you the cost to the driver was significant with a barrister required to challenge police. I have no doubt that police often resort to this kind of tom-foolery knowing full well that most of their victims can't afford to fight them and the legal profession is complicit in charging exorbitant fees that have reduced justice to a commodity where the amount available is proportional to what any given individual can afford to purchase. Its been said that the law is an ass however I wouldn't agree. An ass is a noble creature put on earth by the Bloke Upstairs to carry stuff whereas the law is nothing but a bludgeon with which to beat the sheeple into submission whilst robbing them under the guise of legality.