VIC Can the police open my front door without my consent....

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Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Naughty chair... C'mon really, when did it become ok to call people twits? or for that matter call their kids brats? or alcoholics? That is a pretty huge assumption you made of me... But it is ok right, because it is you making those assumptions.... But of course you're gonna jump on here and criticise others for making assumptions? But that is different right... Because, well you know, it isn't you making the assumption, so that makes it wrong... Oh my kids are not brats either, that is another one of your assumptions. You owe me and my kids an apology.

Mollis - can you help us out here. Is there anything about this situation that could be interpreted as you being a Covid denier? See my thinking is that if your facebook post was advocating civil disobedience due to Covid restrictions, then that (arguably) gives the cops cause...
But even if not - If they had reason to think you were not home as per Covid rules then YEP I reckon they're within their rights to try to locate you.
BTW - I still reckon just turning a handle on a door and calling in isn't that big a deal.
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Well-Known Member
16 April 2017
Naughty chair... C'mon really, when did it become ok to call people twits? or for that matter call their kids brats?

Saturday at 1:19pmPM
Now now kiddies.
Naughty char 457...
Now Hoang - learn to ignore twits. Both here and elsewhere in your life
You're the rude arrogant hypocrite who has made twit common in these forums, also labeling other users kiddies and naughty chair tells me that your kids must be brats and behave same as you.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Let's rank these from most offensive to least offensive.
Rude arrogant hypocrite
See I'm thinking I suggested you were being childish (kiddies) and I'm thinking it is the least offensive . Meanwhile the other comments are all YOU.


Well-Known Member
16 April 2017
Let's rank these from most offensive to least offensive.
Rude arrogant hypocrite
See I'm thinking I suggested you were being childish (kiddies) and I'm thinking it is the least offensive . Meanwhile the other comments are all YOU.
You name it, you are it, brat twit like kids.


Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
Name calling & personal attacks is pretty juvenile .... Also contrary to the forum guidelines >>> Community Guidelines

Please do not:​

  • Be mean, obscene, abusive, insulting, inflammatory or defamatory - This is self-explanatory!


Active Member
30 January 2022
The police opened a door, callout out, when there was no answer they left?
Not exactly the long arm of the law encroaching on your civil liberties...

It is because of people like you who dont see anything wrong with this that our freedoms are being limited. So long as the population dont speak up for the wrongdoings of the police and the govt, this will keep happening. It starts with "just opening a door" we allow this the next progressive step is opening the door and walking inside in order to see if anyone is home.
I am of the opinion that what the police did in this stuation, emergency measures or not was against the law. Sergeant is throwing off. Police were allowed to enter premises without a warrant to check the number of people present, nothing about checking 5km rule. In any case, these so-called rules were not the law as legislated by parliament so the police had absolutely no right to open your door.
As far as I'm aware, the only laws that allows them to enter without a warrant is something to do with a report of family violence/breach of IVO and the police attending to check up on the welfare of occupants, or if the person registered at address has a firearm prohibition order.
Child welfare and dhhs have different laws but they dont apply here.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
"It is because of people like you"? REALLY.
U'm - Here is some good news. Our rights have and freedoms have not been limited. We're not living in a dictatorship. Infact since this thread has started we have had a free election. We all got to vote. We have freedom of speech and freedom of expression and nutters like you who think the deep state are oppressing us are allowed to go to the shop and buy tin foil to make a hat. You're also welcome to post on a forum like this.
I'm also free to mock you.
A copper knocking loudly, opening an unlocked door and calling out does not come close to being the start of a brutal dictatorship oppressing the masses.


Active Member
30 January 2022
"It is because of people like you"? REALLY.
U'm - Here is some good news. Our rights have and freedoms have not been limited. We're not living in a dictatorship. Infact since this thread has started we have had a free election. We all got to vote. We have freedom of speech and freedom of expression and nutters like you who think the deep state are oppressing us are allowed to go to the shop and buy tin foil to make a hat. You're also welcome to post on a forum like this.
I'm also free to mock you.
A copper knocking loudly, opening an unlocked door and calling out does not come close to being the start of a brutal dictatorship oppressing the masses.
Our rights and freedoms have not been limited? Where have you been the past 2 years that we were forced to sit at home for 23hrs a day, not leave our 5km zone, and could only go to the shops for essential items and even then there were rules to follow. ie 1 person from family to the shops. Dont forget the worlds most stringent curfew, forced to wear a muzzle and listen to Dictator Dan drone on during his daily death tally (fear mongering). To top it off, I bet you're triple vaccinated as well. Did you do that to keep your job or to feel better about yourself by believing you're "keeping everyone safe".
It seems our ideas of freedoms are very different.
Notice all the cctv cameras once lockdowns ended? Suppose that's to keep everyone safe too. Nothing to do with a brutal dictatorship oppressing the masses or that our freedoms are slowly diminishing with each fool that sees nothing wrong with allowing the cops to do as they please, be it within the law or not.
Yes, you're free to mock me, but that only shows that you have no substantial value to add to the discussion and so resort to derogatory terms and cries of tin foil hats to validate your own shortcomings.