Hi Jeff,
What bad records do you have? If they are visa infringements, then that will certainly be a possibility. According to the
Australian High Commission in New Zealand, if you have a criminal record, no matter how long ago these convictions were, you will need to obtain written confirmation from DIBP (Department of Immigration and Border Protection) before you travel to Australia:
Convictions in New Zealand
Please download the
Consent to Disclosure of Information (NZ Police) Form. This will allow the New Zealand police to provide the Australian Consulate-General with details of your criminal history. Complete the form and post it to:
Australian Consulate-General
Level 7
Pricewaterhouse Coopers Tower
186-194 Quay Street
Auckland 1010
Or email it to
You will be informed in writing whether or not you are required to lodge an application for a visa to enter Australia prior to travel. This process takes approximately three weeks from the date the completed form is received by the Consulate.
Convictions in any other country
If you have convictions in any other country, including Australia, you are required to provide a police clearance from that country to DIAC. You will then be informed in writing whether or not you need to lodge an application for a visa to enter Australia.
Please visit this website for instructions on obtaining the appropriate police clearance: