QLD behaved inappropriately towards a police officer??

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Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
the code is 2670 .
Hi Roger..

Code 2670 is listed as an offense against Section 62(2) of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 which relates to disobeying an instruction. The actual offense title is ' FAIL TO REMAIN AT A PLACE'..

Without casting aspersions here, can you be 100% certain that your son has told you the full sequence of events that took place... If he had become afraid or confused and moved off before the officer had completed his duties, that would explain the 2670 and subsequent fine amount..

There is no code for "behave inappropriately towards a police officer".... The nearest would be obstructing an officer in the performance of his/her duty


Well-Known Member
5 January 2018
My 22 year old son has just returned home very upset with an infringemnet notice from a QLD police officer for "behave innappropriately towards a police officer".
My son is a law abiding, VERY respectful and hard working boy. He does have a number of learning & emotional issues.
I asked him what happened and this is his response
...............I was pulled over for a RBT
I stopped, the police officer shoved the breath test device into my face and said rudely
I asked him to identify himself, he refused I asked again (respectfully each time) & he ignored me again,
He then said you are getting an infringement for 'behave innappropriately towards a police officer"
The police officer then spent the next 15 minutes making me wait while he wrote out the infringement notice..........

The infringement notice is barely legible & its for $783.
What is 'behave innappropriately towards a police officer". Is he trying to say thaty my son did something sexual to him, I don't understand.
I have tried to call the police station but trhey won't answer the phone & police link put me on hold for 20 minutes then the operator put me on hold again for over 25 minutes while she "checked if I had a VALID complaint".
please help me my whole family is distressed & my son is not coping at all
Roger J. Jones QLD

Sometimes some common sense can prevail, you mentioned that your son has learning difficulties, and if it can be proven, what I recommend is to go to police station and ask for that officer, if not available, ask for other officer and explain the situation, I am sure the police will be accommodating to your request and will provide you the best way for your assistance, I am not sure if the officer can cancel the infringement but they may provide assistance in the court. It will help if you can take with you someone to give reference (if can't be with you, a written reference). You have nothing to lose. I am recommending this as there was no negative action made by your son, example as swearing, pushing etc..... (I am also not saying he did those actions).