working with children check

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The Working With Children Check (WWCC) is an Australian background check requirement, assessing the criminal record of those working or volunteering in child-related work. The check is known as the WWCC (or WWC) in most states and territories. The equivalent check in Queensland is known as a "Blue Card." In the ACT, the equivalent check is known as the Working with Vulnerable People registration.In Australia, the Working With Children Check is legislated by each state and territory for the purpose of conducting background checks for people seeking to engage in child-related work. These checks aim to prevent people from working or volunteering with children if records indicate that they may pose an unacceptable level of risk to children. While the check is currently conducted on a state level, an Australian government royal commission has called for the transition to a nationwide check. At the same time, some researchers have questioned the effectiveness of a nationwide approach, citing advantages of the particular state scheme developments.

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  1. P

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