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In law, a trial is a coming together of parties to a dispute, to present information (in the form of evidence) in a tribunal, a formal setting with the authority to adjudicate claims or disputes. One form of tribunal is a court. The tribunal, which may occur before a judge, jury, or other designated trier of fact, aims to achieve a resolution to their dispute.

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  1. W

    submissions for trial

    Dear experienced members I am preparing a closing submission for the trial (property settlement matter in FCC). Can someone give me advice on what's the structure of this submission, how detailed it should be, and how many case laws I should apply in my case? I found one case law is very...
  2. M

    QLD Witness conflict of interest

    In a Family Court trial can the other party Subpoena a witness to give evidence if you have a legal matter in place with that witness. Is this a conflict of interest?
  3. H

    QLD Trial by media

    Hey everyone Not sure where this question should go, so please bear with me. No doubt people have seen the news coverage of the two or three young ladies who may have done the wrong thing by not providing the full details of their recent travel to the relevant authorities in QLD, and led to a...
  4. Complex16

    Trial Outcome - FYI

    Hi All, It has been some time since I have visited this site - have been largely trying to focus on other things (as best I can!). However, I feel able now to share with you all the outcome of my matter. Quick background - history of DV towards myself and our son plus many other partners and...
  5. S

    WA Party given second chance to provide trial material for child only matter, negotiation letter posted to the FC instead

    Good afternoon, I’m looking for some general advice on how to address this particular matter. The case does not concern assets, only children, and has been running for over six years. During that time access between children and party 1 has and still is currently suspended (four year...
  6. P

    SA Principles relevant to application for stay of orders (pending appeal of property trial judgement)

    I am appealing a judgement on property issues. Does anyone have information on the principles relevant to whether a stay of orders will be granted? I am required to pay a large sum of money to my ex-partner, to do so will probably require selling a house that I want to keep and would most...
  7. S

    FVRO Final Hearing Prep. Self represented applicant. Any tips on how to open and close fast?

    Hi All, I have an interim FVRO on my partners ex wife and she has objected to it which was expected. The final hearing is next month and I have no idea how to present my case or where to start. It has been almost 4 years of absolute hell and although I have the FVRO, she has still been abusing...
  8. J

    QLD Direct brief final trial FCA barrister

    Hey everyone. I am approaching Final Trial in FCA and have been self repping with some lawyer help along the way. The chances of settling before Final Trial are improving as the ex has sunk herself in just about every way imaginable. We have an ICL. Current Interim Court Orders are child...
  9. J

    QLD Custody of Children - Sue Family Report Writer?

    Hi everyone, Going through a custody of children battle at the moment and in the process had to employ the services of a family report writer very early in the process. The job this guy did was complete garbage. I was grossly misquoted on a number of things for starters and the recommendations...
  10. A

    NT Property matters set for trial... no communication with other party

    My former partner and I have property matters set for trial in the New Year. Parties have been ordered to provide affidavits and joint statement of matters in dispute. The other party in their application in respect of what result/orders are sought in the property matters has only written...