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Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people. according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory. Rights are of essential importance in such disciplines as law and ethics, especially theories of justice and deontology.
Rights are often considered fundamental to civilization, for they are regarded as established pillars of society and culture, and the history of social conflicts can be found in the history of each right and its development. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "rights structure the form of governments, the content of laws, and the shape of morality as it is currently perceived".

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  1. J

    QLD What are my rights with land that I am paying for in Defacto split.

    My brother's partner has told him to leave after a 7-year relationship and living together for 3 of those years. Six months ago, they purchased some land together to build a home. They have now split, and he needs to know his rights over the land. She is the only name on the title/deeds as she...
  2. E

    QLD Human Rights Complaint about Qld Police

    Hi I made a complaint to the Qld Human Rights Commission (QHRC) about discrimination that I received from the Qld Police when I spoke to them about domestic violence. QHRC gave agreed that there are potential breaches of both the Human Rights Act and the Anti-Discrimation Act. I received legal...
  3. K

    NSW Tennancy rights

    I have lived in my parent's house for my whole life. There is one other surviving beneficiary under the will who does not reside in the family estate. What rights do I have to lay sole claim to the estate - am I a tennant under the law?
  4. U

    Faulty recliner set. What are my rights?

    Hi, we bought a recliner set 1.5 yrs ago. One of the recliner mechanisms got crooked for no reason. The warranty states "3 year on motors and mechanisms (mechanisms covered to 120kg weight load only)". It also says: "3. Refund policy i. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded...
  5. O

    NSW Can a father relinquish rights if a one night stand got pregnant?

    Hello Just wanted to ask what the grounds were for terminating father rights? I have a friend who had gotten pregnant by someone and the father relinquished his rights. But i thought it was only if someone adopts the child? A bit of an odd situation, although I'm sure it isn't rare. This...
  6. O

    Terminating parental rights for father?

    Hello A bit of an odd situation, although I'm sure it isn't rare. This situation has been going on for a couple of months and im trying to get some information while we wait for a lawyer to respond. 1 month before my partner and i met, he had a one night stand which has resulted in a baby...
  7. W

    Terminating fathers rights

    I’ll try and make this as detailed yet obscure as possible (for my own safety). I have multiple children, all under the age of 5. Their biological father has not been in their lives at all for the last two years, and for some time before that was only sporadically around (domestic and family...
  8. F


    In April 2014 my mum died leaving my alcoholic brother as executor of the will. There are five surviving children the eldest with cerebral palsy. Mums estate and property was administered by estate trustees who became involved because of a dispute surrounding her welfare. My brother was...
  9. G

    VIC Rights regarding clothes line in rental property

    Unsure if a similar question has been asked already - hopefully I'm not duplicating. To cut a long story short, my partner and I have just signed a lease on quite a large 5 bedroom house, and not a cheap one at that ($850/week). During the initial inspection prior to signing on, we didn't...
  10. M

    NSW Signing away parental rights

    Can a father sign away his parental rights? My partner has a 13 yr old who he has not seen since she was 3. The mother of this child told him when she left that he was to never have contact with her or see her ever again . To which he has not. Can he sign away his parental rights?