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Parking is the act of stopping and disengaging a vehicle and leaving it unoccupied. Parking on one or both sides of a road is often permitted, though sometimes with restrictions. Some buildings have parking facilities for use of the buildings' users. Countries and local governments have rules for design and use of parking spaces.

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  1. dwilli10

    NSW Car accident while reverse parking - am I at fault?

    Hi all, My wife was reverse parking into one of those rear-to-curb parking spots. The street itself has one lane for traffic going in either direction with a double unbroken line in the middle. As she was reversing, another car tried to overtake her by driving over the double-line to go around...
  2. G

    NSW Disobey no parking sign (in school zone)

    1. I always drop off my kids and sets them down in the School Zone between 8:15am to 8:45am. 2. The routine is always to stop, let them out and off I go but sometimes I would need to get out of the vehicle to open the door and assist my kids who are 5 and 6 yrs old respectively. 3. I received a...
  3. A

    NSW Battle Axe Parking

    Hello, I live on a property which shares a double drive way with three other homes. It is not legally listed as a battle axe block however it is the best way to describe it to people. We live on the property at the rear of the drive way and have a double garage at the end of the shared drive way...
  4. Valerie Kerr

    ACT Body Corporate Parking

    I own an apartment in Canberra with two underground car parking spots. Immediately above is my downstairs neighbour who lives in the ground floor apartment with a tiled courtyard and a small patch of garden. The complex follows the guidelines set out by Icon Water whereby only hand watering of...
  5. P

    QLD parking breach

    check existing posts this different i go to a shopping centre in sunnybank 3 times a day i have just received a parking breach notice from tms for $77 for parking breach i assume they think i was there all day my question is can a private company impose a monetary fine for this i also wonder...
  6. H

    VIC Threat of Wheel Clamping in Visitor Park

    Hi I see my sister regularly at her apartment complex and sometimes stay for up to a few days at a time. I have been receiving notes from other tenants 'reminding' me that I am in a visitor park, and have been threatened by a tenant that 'body corporate said I am likely to have my car...
  7. A

    Cars dont fit on private parking

    Hello, I recently bought an apartment in Victoria (Melbourne) that consists of 9 apartments, all with individual parking on title. The problem is that if the car directly next parks you cannot open your door, there is not enough space. If all owners parked in there alloted spot the cars simply...
  8. S

    WA parking fine

    good afternoon on the 9th of may i took my wife and children out for mothers day, i parked ina Wilson car park and went to the payment booth and it said nothing to display now. just states the below. 1. Park your car, 2. Note Licence Plate, 3. Register plate and pay at machine so on reding...
  9. P

    Unfair private parking fine

    So my parents received a 'fine' from PES for parking over time even though it hadn't been one hour yet (the time limit they have). The time/clock on the one of their ticket machines was a few minutes late (and after recently checking the machine recently, this difference has further increased)...
  10. B

    NSW Double parking ticket when not parked

    I was stopped in a queue of traffic this afternoon when I saw a police officer taking photos. She then approached my car and said "the ticket's in the mail, you're double parked". The only way for me not to be stopped there would be to have overtaken on the wrong side of the road. There are no...