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Notice is the legal concept describing a requirement that a party be aware of legal process affecting their rights, obligations or duties. There are several types of notice: public notice (or legal notice), actual notice, constructive notice, and implied notice.

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  1. P

    QLD Wrong rego on speed camera inringement notice.

    Hello. I have received a speeding camera infringement notice with the wrong rego in the photo compared to the vehicle's rego I was actually driving at the time of the alleged offence. Would I get off, if I contest this? Thank you for your time.
  2. L

    VIC Infringement notice incorrect details

    Recently I received a speeding fine in the mail after being pulled over by police who checked my license at the time. I have paid the fine already but since then, I have noticed that the infringment notice has incorrect personal details. My name and address are both correct but my DOB, license...
  3. O

    Issuing a notice to vacate when there is no rental agreement?

    Hi all, I have a tenant on a my rural property that has been in an old farmhouse since 2009 - when the tenant moved in the house and gardens were in a clean and tidy condition, and the tenant agreed to keep the house and gardens in good order. There is no signed or formal rental agreement. The...
  4. B

    Default Notice

    We had a property settlement default notice served on us on 11th October, I would like to know what is the final date the settlement can be completed by to not have the rescission notice served. ie what is "within 14 days " is it 24th October or 25th October Thanks in advance
  5. E

    VIC Sending a fencing notice - untitled land

    Hi, I am building in a new estate and my property and all the ones in my estate have titled, no issues there. However, the lot behind us is in a different estate with a different developer and the land is not titled yet. How do I send a fencing notice? Can I just use the parcel number on VicPlan...
  6. K

    NSW Notice Period

    Hi, I am in NSW and I want to resign from my position. I have gone through my contract, i.e Letter of Offer and there is no reference to a notice period, then we are part of an award and again the award does not refer to a notice period. As I am paid fortnightly, is it safe to assume that 2...
  7. X

    QLD Fraud, regarding an employment contract, salary increase by the bookkeeper for herself and use of signature without notice, where to report it?

    When an employee commits fraud, by using the sign of MD and his email address, and also increasing her salary without a contract signed or viewed, who do we report this to?
  8. A

    TAS Payment in lieu of notice

    So I started a new job as an Accounts Officer back in April for a small business. As I got further into the role, I started to notice some red flags regarding employer superannuation payments and other debts not being paid to government agencies (ATO, State Revenue). I have always taken a lot...
  9. foxdie222

    QLD Stood down and been asked for show cause notice for being late

    Hello fellow members, I have been stood down from my position and asked for a show cause notice by my employer to convince them why they shouldn't terminate my employment. Reason is I was late to start by 10 t0 15 mins on 15 different occasions over a period of 3 months. This has not affected...
  10. M

    ATO Garnishee notice

    Below is a question I raised in February 2019 Hi, My wife's mother passed away in January 2017. My wife received an inheritance after probate in July 2017. She used those funds towards a deposit and costs to buy a house in August 2017 that we live in. On the title documents our conveyancing...