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Negligence (Lat. negligentia) is a failure to exercise appropriate and/or ethical ruled care expected to be exercised amongst specified circumstances. The area of tort law known as negligence involves harm caused by failing to act as a form of carelessness possibly with extenuating circumstances. The core concept of negligence is that people should exercise reasonable care in their actions, by taking account of the potential harm that they might foreseeably cause to other people or property.Someone who suffers loss caused by another's negligence may be able to sue for damages to compensate for their harm. Such loss may include physical injury, harm to property, psychiatric illness, or economic loss. The law on negligence may be assessed in general terms according to a five-part model which includes the assessment of duty, breach, actual cause, proximate cause, and damages.

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  1. S

    SA Permanently Disabled from the medical negligence of a Specialist. What is the time frame for legal a

    Good afternoon, I am hoping if someone can tell me how long do I have and if there are exceptions accepted if someone was too late? Thank you for taking the time out to answer or read my post
  2. Will93x

    VIC Fell over - council negligence?

    Hi everyone, Wanted to get an opinion whether I should sue council over negligence. I had a really bad fall from a concrete reinforcing mesh of a broken curb next to a walking path / mulch (similar to a nature strip) in a council car park. Needed to get some stitches in my elbow and has also...
  3. S

    NSW Fabricated Expert Witness Report for NCAT - Suggestions?

    Hi I engaged a Building Consultant to provide me Expert Witness Report and Scott Schedule for NCAT case against the builder. The cost to repair defects is almost 500K for a fairly new home where the Expert referred the most of the defects as structural defects. Any cracks, loose trims are...
  4. C

    NSW Lawyer Withholding Documents

    G'day! My wife and I decided to buy land, then we got our home built based on the design of a display home of our choosing. When construction completed, we found out a certain area of the house was different. The floor was timber(our actual house) instead of tiles(display home). We...
  5. J

    QLD Suing Doctor for Medical Negligence?

    Hi members, I'm looking to sue a doctor for medical negligence. He told me that he suspected I had a detached retina (flashing lights, sudden floaters, loss of distance vision) but didn't have a ophthalmoscope (it was an Australian offshore site). He told me to see him again if it got worse...
  6. D

    QLD Negligence Claim against Coles?

    Yesterday I was at our local Coles supermarket. While there my daughter, 5 years old, got her foot lacerated by the automatic sliding doors. The door did not sense her and then sensed another customer so opened when her foot was under it. She was taken by ambulance and spent 9 hours in hospital...
  7. D

    QLD Negligence Claim against Coles?

    Yesterday I was at our local Coles supermarket. While there my daughter, 5 years old, got her foot lacerated by the automatic sliding doors. The door did not sense her and then sensed another customer so opened when her foot was under it. She was taken by ambulance and spent 9 hours in hospital...
  8. S

    VIC Bullied Whistle Blower of Child Exploitation Boss - What to Do?

    Hi there. First time posting. I wish to take legal proceedings against my workplace after a series of events which escalated severely after I reported a lower management level supervisor (aged in his fifties) for showing me child pornography and clearly detailing his sexual dealings with...
  9. B

    QLD Dog Attack with Civil Claim for Negligence?

    Hi everyone, Before I begin on the situation, I understand there is going to be a lot of controversy about what should happen and I only ask you to keep your minds open. I am not here to be shamed, only for opinion. About six months ago, my dog was declared as dangerous as he jumped the fence...
  10. N

    NSW Property Boundary and Retaining Wall Help?

    Hi guys, I am new to this forum and would like to receive any help possible with respect to Property Law. My parents purchased a property which was an ex-demonstrator house completed approximately (5) years ago, however they have lived in the property for approximately 18 months. The property...