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Legislation is law which has been promulgated (or "enacted") by a legislature or other governing body or the process of making it. Before an item of legislation becomes law it may be known as a bill, and may be broadly referred to as "legislation", while it remains under consideration to distinguish it from other business. Legislation can have many purposes: to regulate, to authorize, to outlaw, to provide (funds), to sanction, to grant, to declare or to restrict. It may be contrasted with a non-legislative act which is adopted by an executive or administrative body under the authority of a legislative act or for implementing a legislative act.

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  1. S

    VIC Differentiate between and/or in Legislation

    HI, I'm trying to make sense of the Victorian Domestic Animal act 1994. Specifically in relation to Section 10B. As I understand in relation to Section 10B the council can choose what and how they wish to apply it in their areas. but say for example there is 10B (1) (a) "Insert sentence"...
  2. Jodee Sinclair

    WA workplace bullying legislation australia wide

    Hi my question is, I know that each state in Australia has different ways to deal with workplace bullying, such as OHS in WA also work safely in WA and Brodies Law in Vic What I'm after is some information is there a law Australia wide that is similar or is that all under OHS or WHS as it is...
  3. G

    NSW What is "the Crown" in legislation

    What is meant by "the Crown" in legislation? I am looking at the NSW Dividing fences act and it says that "This Act does not operate to impose any liability, or to confer any rights, with respect to dividing fences on: (a) the Crown" The neighbouring property is owned by the NSW Land and...
  4. R

    QLD Criminal Law Legislation - Assignment

    Hi Law Forum, Can anyone tell me if cyberbullying is illegal in Queensland, and if so, under what Legislation is it? Also, what is the National Legislation re cyberbullying? Pretty sure it comes under the Criminal Code. Thanks Heaps :)