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Consent occurs when one person voluntarily agrees to the proposal or desires of another. It is a term of common speech, with specific definitions as used in such fields as the law, medicine, research, and sexual relationships.
Types of consent include implied consent, expressed consent, informed consent and unanimous consent. Consent as understood in specific contexts may differ from its everyday meaning. For example, a person with a mental disorder, a low mental age, or under the legal age of sexual consent may willingly engage in a sexual act that still fails to meet the legal threshold for consent as defined by applicable law. United Nations agencies and initiatives in sex education programs believe that teaching the topic of consent as part of a comprehensive sexuality education is beneficial.

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  1. K

    QLD Discountine of consent orders

    Consent orders where made , the ex has now put in a discontinuous, been to court hearing had to right affidavits, hers had so many lies I can prove are lies . What do I do ? I have been primary carer for 15 months and we are doing parenting plan she requested now her circumstances have changed...
  2. S

    SA consent issues

    1. a decade ago, I was young and dumb. I fell into a sexual assault victim the first time. a date took me in his car to a place in the middle of no where, and demanded sex. I said no many times, and just wanted him to take me home. he became more and more aggressive and angry. I was new to the...
  3. K

    VIC Final orders by consent today but clause missed

    I attended court today for final trial which ended up being orders made by consent. At the start of the day a hyphenated surname was agreed upon but as it transpires this has been omitted from the final orders that were submitted. Do I have any options here I read about a slip rule could this...
  4. S

    NSW Questions Regarding Sexual Consent

    Hi All, I'm hoping to get a better understanding of the law as it applies to sexual consent in the context of the scenarios described below. After reading the following page on sexual assault from NSW police website (Adult Sexual Assault - NSW Police Force) the key points I'm wanting to get a...
  5. Hellomyonlyfriend

    NSW Consent judgments

    Why are they used and what are the benefits of them?
  6. S

    TAS Can a right of way be concreted without my consent

    Can a legal aid solicitor help with this property law problem, or how can I get legal help if I am not working any more? Can the beneficiary of a right of way make changes such as concreting the track, without agreement from the landowner? Complication: I am being forced by BC to allow an...
  7. E

    NSW can lot owners personal info be shared with the purchasers solicitor without consent?

    I serve on the commitee of a strata and one of the lot owners is selling. the purchasers solicitor has contacted the strata manager and asked for the contact details of all other lot owners which they promptly provided and the solicitor is now seeking to chat with each of them prior to...
  8. N

    VIC Children are added to IVO and have parental agreement to see the children

    Hi .. new in the forums here .. anyone been in this situation? Have a hearing at the magistrate court in two weeks for extension of IVO (and they included children this time) and now interim order in place. I believe children were added in another attempt from the ex- so I don't see the...
  9. G

    VIC Debts re Consent Orders for Financial Settlement

    Will try to keep this brief, but in summary, I am negotiating with my ex's solicitor about what should be included in the application for consent orders. I have a debt of about $60-70k to my solicitor for parenting matters, whereas my understanding is that my ex has paid off her solicitor in...
  10. O

    NSW Builder Next Door Erected Scaffolding in rear Yard of Our Commercial Property Without Consent

    hi, next door to our small shop near the station a block of low rise units are being built. Unbeknown to us, until tenant sent photo, builder has partially removed paling fence & erected scaffolding on our property abutting boundary to facilitate construction of wall which is approved along the...