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Consent occurs when one person voluntarily agrees to the proposal or desires of another. It is a term of common speech, with specific definitions as used in such fields as the law, medicine, research, and sexual relationships.
Types of consent include implied consent, expressed consent, informed consent and unanimous consent. Consent as understood in specific contexts may differ from its everyday meaning. For example, a person with a mental disorder, a low mental age, or under the legal age of sexual consent may willingly engage in a sexual act that still fails to meet the legal threshold for consent as defined by applicable law. United Nations agencies and initiatives in sex education programs believe that teaching the topic of consent as part of a comprehensive sexuality education is beneficial.

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  1. D

    NSW Consent orders and communication

    Hi, have court approved consent orders that allow me time with my grandchildren both in person and via video.calls. I have tried multiple times to communicate with the mother about the children's birthdays etc but she just ignores my messages. Is this OK? Besides being rude, is there anything I...
  2. S

    QLD Goods given away in consent orders

    Hi, I have been through consent orders and seperation with the ex. I have retained ownership of the house and she has yet to pick up her goods listed in the consent orders. She went over the 90 days of the consent orders, so i had my solicitor inform her solicitor that as she went over the 90...
  3. J

    Sexually Touching Someone WIthout Consent

    Hi there, I touched someone without their consent on the breast (we are both adults) and I got charged with "sexually touching someone without consent" This was 4 years ago, I was honest with the police and didn't have a lawyer, I was charged with sexually touching someone without consent. I...
  4. Hellomyonlyfriend

    NSW Can government agencies record you voice without consent during phone calls?

    Can government agencies, such as Centrelink, record your voice without consent during phone calls in NSW?
  5. M

    WA Consent Orders - Changed Mind After Signing - But Before Submission

    They were signed. We were so close - actually thought it was over. I know they're not legally binding until stamped by court. The evening of signing, the other party emailed ICL and asked to delay submission. The ICL had not submitted the clean copy yet. Now the other party is not agreeing to...
  6. N

    VIC My ex has moved to a new address with the kids and have consent orders

    Hi, My ex has moved to a new address with the kids and I don't know the new address (all I know she had moved with her parents for now) Consent orders state: Any party must notify the other party 21 days prior to any change of address. Do I have to send an email asking for the new address, or...
  7. S

    NSW Fencing order by consent - time limitation

    Hi, Can anyone confirm if my reading of the following section is correct. I read this as to say that if no time is specified in the fencing order by the Court or Tribunal for works to be done, then the time is 3 months from the date of the order? If it is outside of the three months do you have...
  8. S

    VIC Child Support - Financial Consent Orders - 10 years later

    Financial consent orders (and parenting orders) all sealed and stamped years ago when children toddlers. Ex and I are now on semi-amicable terms when it comes to raising our children, co-parenting OK. Money matters is a different story. He refuses to discuss finances, bordering on abusive...
  9. T

    Consent Orders

    Hi, my ex husband and i have signed a consent order that allows me to have 100 % care of my kids, have no contact with their dad, have their passports and travel and even allows me to change their last name. He asked me to have a lawyer draft the consent orders and he didn't want to pay for...
  10. B

    VIC Consent orders property settlement

    Hello, I would really appreciate any advice you can offer, as I am now out of funds & refuse to throw any more $$$ at a solicitor who was totally irrelevant & ineffective. Court ordered, signed consent orders for property settlement. Family home to be sold / personal property to be returned...