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Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a legal member of a sovereign state. A person may have multiple citizenships and a person who does not have citizenship of any state is said to be stateless.
Nationality is often used as a synonym for citizenship in English – notably in international law – although the term is sometimes understood as denoting a person's membership of a nation (a large ethnic group). In some countries, e.g. the United States, the United Kingdom, nationality and citizenship can have different meanings (for more information, see Nationality versus citizenship).

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  1. F

    VIC Australian citizenship

    Hello, I have a questions regarding my citizen application. I came to Melbourne on Skilled Immigration Visa (my whole family obtained it) exactly four years ago, loved the city, loved the job and decided to stay here. My wife and kid joined me approx one year later (she had to stay to take...
  2. M

    QLD Discrimination on basis of citizenship

    My wife was recently offered a job verbally, only for the offer to be rescinded two hours later on the grounds that they 'preferred' to have an Australian citizen (she is a permanent resident). The position would have been as a consultant (i.e. not a regular employee) to a local government, and...
  3. T

    NSW New Zealand citizen obtaining an Australian citizenship?

    My friend is a holder of a permanent New Zealand resident (citizenship). But he wishes to know if he is also allowed to migrate to Australia and obtain a permanent Australian citizenship/residence. If he is allowed, what is the requirement and procedure in order to obtain this Australian...
  4. V

    Application for Australian Citizenship

    I am an Australian Citizen currently living in India with my wife and two kids. I was granted the Australian Citizenship in Oct 2007. My wife and son were PRs when I was given the Citizenship. We have been in India since 2008 and have had a daughter in 2010 and I had informed the Australian High...
  5. I

    QLD Can the citizenship be revoked if convicted

    Suppose if someone arrived in Australia and eventually gained citizenship . if he commits a financial crime and sentenced to 4 years jail time, at the end of the prison term, can his citizenship be revoked and deported back to his motherland? Thanks
  6. N

    Citizenship and birth certificate query

    I was born in Australia in 3/7/1988. After 2/3 months of my birth I came back to Bangladesh due to my father's job purpose. I still have my birth certificate. Will I be eligible for Australian citizenship? If not then what is the use of my that birth certificate??
  7. C

    Changes in Citizenship Requirements

    Hi, I am trying to work out the legal position of what the government has proposed in the citizenship changes from one to four years on a permanent resident visa. The bill has been given its second reading and parliament does not sit again until early August. The government state that any...
  8. J

    QLD Pleaded guilty, but no conviction recorded . Any issue for the citizenship?

    Hi All, I have applied for citizenship few weeks ago , and I am freaking out wit all the reinforcement of the criteria for citizenship. I pleaded guilty 6 years ago for an offence, no conviction recorded and had to pay a fine. Is this likely to affect my citizenship ?
  9. C

    VIC Will excessive speeding effect Australian Citizenship?

    I've came into country as permanent resident approx. 3 years and 3 months ago. I'll be eligible for Citizenship next year. However, last month, I had excessive speeding, got 6 months suspension and 6 points. This is my first offence. Will this effect my citizenship application ? Instead of...
  10. C

    QLD Narcissistic Filipino Ex-Partner - Domestic Violence, Visa and Passport

    Hi everyone, Firstly I wish to thank you in advance for taking the time to read my question. I have been through hell and back twice only to find myself without any contact with my nearly 2-year-old son who she has sent overseas to the Philippines. I will not go into detail as the events of...