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Certification is the formal attestation or confirmation of certain characteristics of an object, person, or organization. This confirmation is often, but not always, provided by some form of external review, education, assessment, or audit. Accreditation is a specific organization's process of certification. According to the U.S. National Council on Measurement in Education, a certification test is a credentialing test used to determine whether individuals are knowledgeable enough in a given occupational area to be labeled "competent to practice" in that area.

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  1. TroutsVisa

    What's the difference between diploma, graduate diploma, advance diploma Vocational Graduate Certificate, and Vocational Graduate Diploma?

    What's the difference between diploma, graduate diploma, advance diploma, Vocational Graduate Certificate, and Vocational Graduate Diploma? Why do we have so many level? Is there any good post to know about what's the difference between them? Thank you, Regards.
  2. Ameliafranklin

    NSW My dad won't give me my birth certificate, I have insufficient ID to apply for a new one.

    I need to access my birth certificate however my father refuses to order me a new one. I am 16, I do not live with him and my carers are not my legal guardians. My mother is dead and my father has not allowed me to contact her family. I have a Medicare card and an expired passport but no other...
  3. pieterv3814

    VIC Parents won't supply birth certificate and have no I.D

    Hello everyone, I have a very unusual situation and I'm not sure how to go about sorting it out. My partner and I have had a baby, however my partner's parents won't give her birth certificate to her. As a consequence to that she hasn't got any form of I.D, hasn't got Medicare and so forth. This...
  4. A

    NSW waiting period before getting 60I Certificate

    ex wife refuses to attend Family dispute Resolution meetings or negotiate any parental plains, how long is the waiting time before I get the 60I Certificate?
  5. B

    QLD Death certificate has an error about deceased children. 2 are living 1 is deceased.

    My husbands Qld death certificate is incorrect. 2 children living. 1 deceased
  6. S

    What is a section 22 certificate (or what does it look like)?

    NSW here. I'm being asked to produce a s22 certificate for the apartment I purchased some time back. I'm told this should have been provided by my conveyancer. I have all the documents of the purchase (or a copy of the originals if they needed to be kept by a relevant authority) being contract...
  7. J

    QLD Using a medical certificate to with hold care

    Hi all, as far as I understand, using illness as a reason to withhold care isnt supposed to happen less than 24 hours before handover we receive an email from OP's solicitor stating that the child has had received urgent medical care and a medical certificate (usual text but with an added...
  8. B

    NSW Adding father to birth certificate if mother refuses

    The mother of my child doesn't want me to have any rights (she told me like that). How can I add my name to the birth certificate as her biological father?
  9. L

    NSW Child Support / Birth Certificate

    Hi there. Hoping for some guidance please. I am currently pregnant and the father will not be involved with the child in the future (the father is aware of the pregnancy and has chosen not to be involved). I am considering applying for child support, however I am hesitant to put the father's...
  10. T

    QLD Father not on birth certificate

    Hi, my son is 2 years old and I have asked my sons father if he would agree to sign over his parental rights, because he abandoned our son a year and a half ago and he agreed but I got my sons birth certificate in the mail and his fathers name isn’t on it but my son does have his last name, how...