VIC What to do when your complaints and claims arent been taken serious by the VLSBC and the LPLC when you have complained about a group of lawyers?

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7 March 2023
What if a bunch of lawyers involved in racketeering and crimes against you where they have defrauded and acted against the rules of practising as one's lawyer such as where you have evidence one acted in conflict of interest, another tampered with documents gave and submitted it as part of the affidavit which was amended by them and allowed for fraud documents to be used in courts even after you told your lawyer the documents have been created fraudulently. Or where one lawyer removes a mortgage security you had legally against a property where you had lent the owner of the property a large amount of money and where the courts found that the lawyer acting for you at the time didnt have the authority to lodge another false mortgage in your name around the same time they fraudulently discharged your original mortgage yet still able to remove this false mortgage through staged court proceedings brought on by the borrower nearly 2 years later, without making that lawyer pay the consequences of their actions and where the courts allows for the false mortgage to be removed as well as not attending to the unauthorised discharge of the original mortgage that was done before the lawyer lodged this other unauthorised false mortgage which was deemed as void leaving me with no security for the money I was owed.

What do you do when you cant obtain evidence from PEXA for a transaction statement of the discharge of mortgage which you had no idea occurred and which was fraudulently covered by the lawyer who lodged that other unauthorised false mortgage in order to have you lose your position as one of 3 main lenders on the property? Where that lawyer refusing to give you this information as it was the lawyer's intention to defraud hence why they acted in a way where they were paid out but never informed me of this and refused to give the money that is owed. As well as having other lawyers act in a way to keep that information from me including the borrower who had done it on purpose to get out of paying me yet stringing me all along all these years acting as if they still owe me money and costing me over a further $200,000 in legal fees charged by another lawyer who had falsely represented me and had known all along what was going on. What does one do to stop this nightmare and ongoing unethical attacks through the legal system to extort more money than what we lost?

Where do you go when you have been abused by the legal system that continues to fail you and where you have clear evidence of these lawyers' crimes and other involved in racketeering yet the police continuously shut you down every time you approach them regardless of the amount of evidence you have that support all your claims? Where you have lost faith in law enforcement or any sort of justice whilst you continue to get attacked through staged court proceedings made up by this group of lawyers involved racketeering. Where you get threats to kill, bullied, gaslighting, harassed, stalked, abused through the legal system, deceived, manipulated, emotionally and financially abused, where does one go when law enforcement agencies, government bodies, judicial officers, so called lawyers, accountants continue to attack you to cover up their crimes or ensure they take every penny from me? Where you have tried over and over again to make complaints to the VLSBC and tried to make a claim through the LPLC due to the misconduct and criminal activity of a group of lawyers who are obviously protected. Where you have a restraining order against the lawyer who continues to break it and use the legal system to abuse me and yet is still allowed to practise as a lawyer? And you are ignored and made to face the doom of more unethical lawyers and regulators and law enforcement bodies and other government bodies who will do nothing but still there and watch you get abused and attacked whether it be against you or your family, physically, financially or emotionally, in person, electronically or through the legal system.

What does one do and where does one go for help when this is happening to them?

Please help me stop this nightmare Im in. No democracy, no human rights, no justice and no support. And yet we are considered a developed democractic country who fights voilence against the vulnerable, the disadvantaged and those in need. I live to suffer and see this is far from the truth and everything I claim is all backed with evidence.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
What did the lawyers and courts say were the legal reasons for rejecting your claims?

It seems to me if you have the evidence, then the courts either rejected your evidence, or the evidence didn't support your claims, or the other side has a stronger claim.

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
You accuse lawyers in general of various kinds of misconduct,
and then you post here, expecting lawyers to help you?
I'm sorry but I don't quite follow your reasoning here.
7 March 2023
You accuse lawyers in general of various kinds of misconduct,
and then you post here, expecting lawyers to help you?
I'm sorry but I don't quite follow your reasoning here.
I invite you to have a read of my experience again. I did not accuse all lawyers, nor did I say all lawyers are bad. I said a bunch of lawyers. I am more than happy to disclose their names and provide evidence of the misconduct, although to avoid this become a debate I didn't. I believe everyone who writes about their experience on forums like these aren't normally attacked, nor would they get offended and stick up for crook lawyers like that. If you are a lawyer who is like the bunch I have experienced, then I would certainly not be asking for your input. It just surprises that the experience I have written about would offend you when it makes no reference to all lawyers, nor lawyers in general.
7 March 2023
What did the lawyers and courts say were the legal reasons for rejecting your claims?

It seems to me if you have the evidence, then the courts either rejected your evidence, or the evidence didn't support your claims, or the other side has a stronger claim.
The issue was that the claim was never rejected, nor was it held that any evidence was stronger than the other. The victim's lawyer who was representing them had done so based on a conflict of interest that was not disclosed to the victim and so they can control the victim's actions in the proceedings. The victim's lawyer had been involved 2 years beforehand without the victim's knowledge where it represented a company who discharged the victim's secured mortgage on the plaintiff's property for monies still owed and where another lawyer had replaced it with a falsified mortgage, the Registrar of Titles Office Victoria had allowed for. No payment was made to the victim at the time, nor did the victim know. Then 2 years later the victim who is the plaintiff's creditor is dragged through the courts with these staged court proceedings to be told the plaintiff didn't agree with the falsified mortgage which the victim didn't know was on there on their behalf. Yet to find out after the case is dismissed that the Registrar of Titles Office Victoria had excused itself from the proceeedings where this falsified mortgage it had on the plaintiff's property was not agreed upon. All so they can remove the victim's secured mortgage all together and cost the victim more money. This case was dismissed and decided through court orders created by this bunch of crook lawyers working together to commit fraud. The Registrar of Titles Office Victoria excused itself from the proceedings as a defendant and then provided written advice on the plaintiff can remove this falsified mortgage put on by the one lawyer which had been registered in December 2018 yet was removed in these court proceedings based on the Titles Office Victoria advice. And when the courts ruled in the plaintiff's favour to void this falsified mortgaged placed on by that one lawyer, yet no punishment was handed down to that lawyer. This is criminal and yet nothing happened to that lawyer. I am just gobsmacked that the attached document was provided by the Registrar of Titles Office to the courts and the plaintiff against its fellow defendants while it removed itself from the proceedings where it was the one that allowed for the lawyer to lodge the falsified mortgaged in which was the subject of these staged court proceedings.


  • Letter from Registrar of Titles Office.pdf
    278.7 KB · Views: 2
Last edited:
21 April 2023
What if a bunch of lawyers involved in racketeering and crimes against you where they have defrauded and acted against the rules of practising as one's lawyer such as where you have evidence one acted in conflict of interest, another tampered with documents gave and submitted it as part of the affidavit which was amended by them and allowed for fraud documents to be used in courts even after you told your lawyer the documents have been created fraudulently. Or where one lawyer removes a mortgage security you had legally against a property where you had lent the owner of the property a large amount of money and where the courts found that the lawyer acting for you at the time didnt have the authority to lodge another false mortgage in your name around the same time they fraudulently discharged your original mortgage yet still able to remove this false mortgage through staged court proceedings brought on by the borrower nearly 2 years later, without making that lawyer pay the consequences of their actions and where the courts allows for the false mortgage to be removed as well as not attending to the unauthorised discharge of the original mortgage that was done before the lawyer lodged this other unauthorised false mortgage which was deemed as void leaving me with no security for the money I was owed.

What do you do when you cant obtain evidence from PEXA for a transaction statement of the discharge of mortgage which you had no idea occurred and which was fraudulently covered by the lawyer who lodged that other unauthorised false mortgage in order to have you lose your position as one of 3 main lenders on the property? Where that lawyer refusing to give you this information as it was the lawyer's intention to defraud hence why they acted in a way where they were paid out but never informed me of this and refused to give the money that is owed. As well as having other lawyers act in a way to keep that information from me including the borrower who had done it on purpose to get out of paying me yet stringing me all along all these years acting as if they still owe me money and costing me over a further $200,000 in legal fees charged by another lawyer who had falsely represented me and had known all along what was going on. What does one do to stop this nightmare and ongoing unethical attacks through the legal system to extort more money than what we lost?

Where do you go when you have been abused by the legal system that continues to fail you and where you have clear evidence of these lawyers' crimes and other involved in racketeering yet the police continuously shut you down every time you approach them regardless of the amount of evidence you have that support all your claims? Where you have lost faith in law enforcement or any sort of justice whilst you continue to get attacked through staged court proceedings made up by this group of lawyers involved racketeering. Where you get threats to kill, bullied, gaslighting, harassed, stalked, abused through the legal system, deceived, manipulated, emotionally and financially abused, where does one go when law enforcement agencies, government bodies, judicial officers, so called lawyers, accountants continue to attack you to cover up their crimes or ensure they take every penny from me? Where you have tried over and over again to make complaints to the VLSBC and tried to make a claim through the LPLC due to the misconduct and criminal activity of a group of lawyers who are obviously protected. Where you have a restraining order against the lawyer who continues to break it and use the legal system to abuse me and yet is still allowed to practise as a lawyer? And you are ignored and made to face the doom of more unethical lawyers and regulators and law enforcement bodies and other government bodies who will do nothing but still there and watch you get abused and attacked whether it be against you or your family, physically, financially or emotionally, in person, electronically or through the legal system.

What does one do and where does one go for help when this is happening to them?

Please help me stop this nightmare Im in. No democracy, no human rights, no justice and no support. And yet we are considered a developed democractic country who fights voilence against the vulnerable, the disadvantaged and those in need. I live to suffer and see this is far from the truth and everything I claim is all backed with evidence.
In my view the corruption in the courts now is totally outy of hand.I have evidence of police hiding evidence of child sexual assault and the lawyers prosecutors judges etc etc all ignore and push the child protectors to trial and ignore the corruption.All are corrupt in my view.I ,myself ,and a lot more I know of have taken the view that the courts need not be obeyed because of the corruptiopn.We have taken the view if they try to impose their law on us in trumped up charges we will respond with violence.When enough understand that is the only option then the system is defeated.