QLD Peace and behaviour order

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13 May 2023
My mentally ill neighbour has harassed me for over 3 years now.
Before the property was sold and taken over by new management a previous estate agent told me confidentially that she has done it to every tenant that's lived here before me.

She lives above me and drags furniture, stomps, follows me from room to room, turns taps on so I lose water pressure, kicks my back door and things of that nature.
She even occasionally angrily howls like she's frustrated and it sounds like throws herself against the wall when she's behaving exceptionally psychotic.

As utterly miserable as it is I'm in no position to move due to the housing crisis in Brisbane.

I've complained to my property manager and in person to the landlord. They believe me so could easily breach her but instead I'm told just to ignore it. So that's what I've done.
I avoid her and give no reaction to anything she does. I have to live with it.
Mediation can't work because she flatly denies any wrongdoing to begin with. And I doubt she would participate in mediation or go to court because I've never seen her leave the property.

A friend of mine was breached for having a loud argument with his girlfriend. Why then can't my neighbour be breached for harassment?? I can't understand it.

I recently purchased a new car. She had been throwing coffee and food stuffs over the front of the car from her window. I still even ignored this. Washed my car whenever I went to the servo.
An indication how numb and hopeless I've become as a result.
Last weekend she threw rocks from her window above where I was parked chipping the windscreen all over.
Because the car purchase was recent I stupidly hadn't gotten around to getting insurance yet.

I relayed the incident to my property manager who has asked to give him 2 weeks to speak to her. However I'm not confident anything will change.
I contacted police link and filled out a report. The police woman I spoke advised me to get a peace and behaviour order.
I now have to find a park on my busy street away from the property out of fear she'll do it again.

I've printed out the P&BO forms and my question is. Do I fill out the paperwork in regards to the damage to my car or the harassment or both ?

If for malicious damage I have photographs for evidence. Can I be compensated momentarily ? I imagine that's a no.
And if for harassment what evidence should I take along ? My other neighbours claim to not know anything not wanting to get involved.
Camera footage I don't have due to it all happening from inside her unit. And I can't manage to get a recording in time or that sounds clear.
I documented her for a couple of days in a timeline and I have the photos that I took for the police report. Should I take letters of support from my psychologist and family and people I work closely with who know the story and the impact it's had on my emotional health ?

I've never been to court in my life so I'm clueless and a bit scared.

Most grateful for any advice.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Do I fill out the paperwork in regards to the damage to my car or the harassment or both ?

Can I be compensated momentarily ?
Yes, but not as part of an IVO. Need a separate proceeding.
for harassment what evidence should I take along ?
Your version of events. Dates/times/location, her behaviour and how it affects you.

Should I take letters of support from my psychologist and family and people I work closely with who know the story and the impact it's had on my emotional health ?
Unlikely to be of much value unless they are a witness to her behaviour. Psych report may have some value.