NSW Caught Shoplifting but Paid for Item - Criminal Law?

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5 February 2019
Hey there,

So today is a unique one. In NSW, I had gotten OTC cold/ flu Codral from a chemist and put it in my bag, was asked to search upon leaving but said it was from a different shop so was let go. I went to another shop and did shopping, and the security guard was waiting for me and recorded me when I checked out. I was made to pay for the item as it was "damaged" from moisture from my groceries. So I walked back to Discount Chemist Warehouse with the guard, filled a banning form of five years, while he took pictures of myself and my ID, paid for the item (15 bucks) and left.

He said he was going to call the cops if he didn't find me but he did, so did not contact them before. Don't think he will after the fact as I paid for the item, but just wondering if I will receive a fine or not? Not from the country so don't know the criminal law rules and order of obligation.

Would appreciate some feedback as I'm shitting myself one here. Definitely learned my lesson, just hoping that was enough.


10 March 2020
Similar thing happened to me! Got a 5 year ban from all stores. I'm really wondering what they do with the copy if the ID and if they send it to the police.

Would this come up in a police check? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Have you had anything through the post?

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
1. Not so unique.

2. If the police were not called, and/or have not spoken to you,
then the only thing that has happened is
that the trained monkey security person successfully intimidated and humiliated you.