VIC Workplace injury and work cover claim

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Well-Known Member
15 December 2023
I work at a supermarket as a casual facing the grocery aisles and removing all empty boxes and removing misplaced and damaged stock (easier said than done as the amount of theft and empty wrappers/packages is unimaginable,you would think cctv would deter theft but no!).

I was getting an average of $600 per week from mid 2023 to early 2024 until Feb....

My manager made me clean under shelves too and their knee mat was very frail and flimsy and other times no knee mats available at all.

My knee started hurting real bad until I finally saw my gp and got ultrasound scans which found cysts and injured ligaments, known as bakers cyst/knee due to repetitive insults from kneeling and crawling.
I had to get it drained and steroid injections however the hospital doctor only did one knee and I must return for the other soon which is much more severe and very painful.
I've also been getting osteo done weekly which is helping.

I lodged a workcover claim and now am being asked by a 'private investigator' for an interview. Her name is Julie and I read online if I'm a male that I can request a same gender interviewer or viceversa if uncomfortable, or that I shouldn't have to attend this at all since my GP has confirmed my injuries, has evidence and completed my certificate of capacity.

I feel intimidated, discriminated and like a fraud now and other than the fact I haven't worked in 2 months am struggling alot financially and being disabled and immobile has also resulted in further morbidity such as weight gain and a diagnosis of depression too.

What are my rights and what can I do?

Sorry for the vulgar words but my mental health is so bad it literally can't get worse and I've even thought about turning to drugs or alcohol or even worse which il not mention out of fear of being locked up in a psych ward.
I'm at rock bottom and need help.