SA Will I be Liable for Partner's Debt?

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10 February 2017
Just need a little help -

I met my partner about 10 months ago and he moved into my house. I built the house and am paying the mortgage. He pays $175.00 per week, this covers food and rent (for want of a better word) and then contributes to utilities when I get them. He doesn't pay towards council rates or emergency services levy.

My question is, I've recently found out he has a lot of debt, can I be held liable for any of his debt if we break up or if we stay together? His debt is pretty substantial and I only have a mortgage.

The other thing is, can he make a claim on my house? He has lived with me for about 8 months


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
For a relationship where you've been living together for eight months, it's unlikely the Court will hold you responsible for his debt because the shorter the relationship, the more inclined the Court is to allow each party to walk away with what they came with, but be warned that the longer the relationship lasts, the more liable you will most likely become.

De facto relationships (usually formed of long-term cohabitation or shared children) are treated near equally to marriages where property settlements are concerned.


10 February 2017
Oh right, that makes sense. His level of debt concerns me and I need to protect myself from it, I think.

Thank you