my defacto partner and I have an 18 month old and are in process of separating. We are both good parents, but up until now I have been primary carer. I fed her for 9 months, take her too all social activities, check ups, needles, all but one Dr’s appointment, get her dinner ready, bath her and put her to bed 95% of the time. Because things have broken down I often leave the home for 1-2 hours once she goes down to bed in the evening as I don’t want to be in the house. Occasionally she wakes up and he might need to settle her when I’m gone. I work 4 days a week and have primary care the 3 days I have off. He has two days off a week and goes out from 0730-1830 every Sunday to play golf. He has stated that when he moves out he is taking her and that he is going to get primary care. Can I prevent this? He says that as he has two teenage children from previous relationship that live with us 50:50 he should have primary custody so she is not separated from her family. Does that play a part in judges decision? I want her to have quality relationship with older brother and sister, but I want primary custody of her as I have been her primary carer her whole life. While I would prefer her to do 9/5, I would be open to more with the father so she sees her siblings more. She also goes to daycare 2 days a week and then cared by my family at our home other two days a week that I work. He has stated he will not send her to child care when he takes her as she is better with a parent full time at home and not be “Raised by others.” His plan is obviously to not work much (works for self and declares tiny amount of income while I earn a lot more), take me for all child support possible and not send her to child care at all. Appreciate advice. I’m reallly stressing about it. I really don’t want it to go to court, but the way he is being and saying it doesn’t matter that I am the primary carer at the moment shows he is not going to see reason
I feel like I’m going to get home one day and they’ll all just be gone