QLD When Does Police Search Become Harassment?

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David strutton

Active Member
1 December 2016
They strip searched you on the side of the road in complete view of passing traffic?

Did you get the officer's name and badge number? What they did to you is belittling and highly illegal. You are not allowed to be naked in public for any reason and they must provide you with a private room to conduct the search.

David strutton

Active Member
1 December 2016
Last week I was stopped driving home from work. I was strip searched twice. The first time on the side of a very busy road with people stopping for the free entertainment, including the full naked "bend over, pull cheeks and vagina apart and cough". Luckily by a very nice lady officer, that second one they did in privat.

My last drug conviction 1999, a very minor record. I wasn't doing anything illegal or remotely suspicious looking. They searched my car, broke a few things, got a drug dog in, etc. No explanation and no charges. At what point does this sort of treatment become harassment?

I was polite and co-operative (until the 2nd search anyway,then i lost it a bit!). I have no bikie or other so-called criminal associations. How can police do this? And WHY?

A friend of mine had a similar experience recently. He's also mid-40.s, no recent charges, etc. Anyone else having similar probs in Brisbane?

That is police brutality in a way. You could have them charged