Wanting something like:
Children live with mother
Children spend time with father on alternate weekends from 5pm Friday to 5 pm Sunday (although unsure how youngest will go with this, having just started school this year and travel time is 2hrs between residences).
Children have phone/Skype, etc., contact with either parent when they want - also to include twice weekly to the father (haven't set days yet).
10 days Easter school holidays with father (mother wanting it to be one week each)
14 nights Christmas holidays: from 24th Dec for 14 night in even years, from 26th Dec for 14 nights in odd years
Any weekend activity the mother puts children into needs the father to agree to - however this causes conflict as child has been heavily involved in competitive sports for 5 years now and it does impact on father's time. Father is not interested in attending as it takes away father's time with children.
No extra time during Jun or Sept school holiday period - just usual fortnightly schedule
No nastiest between parents. Joint parental responsibility. Email communication.
The concern is the court is this week. The applicant has filed as per above and affidavit, etc. The respondent has not filed anything. The children live with the respondent - always have.
The parents separated 4 years ago. The eldest has not attended the applicant's place in 12 months - reasons due to anxiety (diagnosed) fear and hurt (emotional and two incidents of physical smacking/pulling arm). Both the respondent and the applicant have tried getting the child to go, and point blank refuses and hides. The fear is recognised by a GP. Psychologist is attempting to break this down to a manageable level. The child is heavily attached to the respondent.
If the respondent has not filed anything as yet, and court is days away, is the judge likely to agree to, temporarily at least, the above orders? Filed as interim orders by applicant?