My daughter is needing to cancel a wedding venue that was a 2 1/2 hours drive due to an illness in the family so needs to have the wedding closer to home. The travel would be too much for the nan who is the celebrant to make the trip . The terms and conditions state that the venue hire fee will be forfeited if cancelled closer than 6 months to the wedding date. The date is just over 3 months away. The invoice states the venue hire fee is $1800 but the deposit paid was $4000 as requested. The company has stated in an email that the $4000 wont be refunded. They said the terms and conditions don’t relate to the deposit paid. The terms and conditions relate to the contract surely not just what suits the venue. I can’t afford to lose this amount of money yet I understand the loss of the $1800 as stated. Can u please give me some information as to my refund rights,