The neighbour at the bottom of my garden has two enormous trees right up against my fence the tree are in a bad condition and I have been told by a tree surgeon that if we have some high winds the branches may break and will fall onto my property. I have just paid seven thousand dollars to have a new patio build and these trees are right above it we have cut back as much as we can on our side but the rest is too high. The trees are about two feet away from fences and the roots are lifting the fence and it is leaning onto my side also they have a shed right up to fence and that is also tilted towards fence as the roots are lifting it. I have written and posted a letter to them voicing my and my other neighbours concerns about this problem, but what I want to know is what if they refuse to do anything about it I would prefer to get it sorted before any damage is caused to property or personal injury be accuse looking at the trees they are very scary and I have grandchildren who play out there.