In 2016, I was convicted of seven offences pursuant of s.134.2(1) of the CCA 1994 (Cth'). Crucial to the CDPP's case against me were amended tax (tax) assessments that were at the time subject to review in Part IVC proceedings before the AAT. I was subsequently imprisoned for 3.5 years. I have an appeal from conviction proceedings pending in the NSWCCA. I am self-represented. Legal Aid have refused me a grant of legal aid. My All my assets have been frozen by POCA. (perfect storm) So, I have no money to engage a lawyer. I am here trying to get a critique of my appeal grounds. I'm not after an advice, I would not ask for that as the matter is quite huge and would take up too much time for a lawyer; rather I need commentary, sparing partners if you will, because the CDPP always use top silk against me. As well, its hard to think objectively in such circumstances. If anyone (perhaps law students) are interested in reading my material and offering a comment I would be very grateful to receive their interest. All the material is in PDF format. I can see no utility in maintaining any privilege over the content. Cheers.