VIC Separating - Ex new partner causing issues

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19 September 2024
Hi all,

First time poster and not sure if this is the correct place to be seeking information.

My ex and I are in the early stages of separation (3 weeks) and have already organised mediation for family plan which we intend to submit to the courts for 50/50 split custody of our two children.

Currently, everything we have discussed about the care and welfare of our children has been civil and amicable; however, she fails to keep her word on a few issues after we've both agreed.

Brief run down - We have been together 10 years, have two small children and she has been seeing another guy for the last 12 weeks behind my back. No issue - she can do what she wants.

This guy is coming to our house at all hours of the night with mental health issues, to the point she wants to bring him inside around our small children, and around myself or she just dumps the kids and takes off to take him home and is gone for hours on end.

This has happened 3 times in the last two weeks to the point i have already had to contact police.

My concern is that my children are going to be put at risk when I move out due to this guy's mood swings and diagnosed BPD and that her care for my children will suffer as a result. The way i'm seeing it currently is she is not thinking about the kids because she literally drops everything for this guy and goes to his aid. I have also noticed that her care seems to have dropped off for our young baby and he is constantly wetting through (due to lack of changes) and I hear the way she talks to him when he is crying.

Legally, what can I do to ensure my children are going to be safe once i leave the premises?
Please note; i have no malice towards her for what she has done and her new relationship is her business.

My priority is my two children and i'm trying to minimise the amount of emotional and mental harm that they are going to be subjected to in the next few weeks.


Active Member
23 April 2017
You need to bring up any issues in mediation. I would recommend you draw up a draft parenting plan which accommodates all the issues. Then potentially when you and the ex have discussed it in mediation, it can be signed before concluding mediation.