Once again, I feel the need to make a sort of
"consumer protection" statement in respect of
content posted by
The content posted by this user is so erratic that, even as a lay person's views,
it cannot be relied upon.
In all other respects, I agree with
Thanks for your single post input on the post Tim, did you want to say anything to help the user maybe? The issue is its not about the blame game, it is how to resolve a situation as best as possible with hopefully as little frustration.
This user asked what to do in this situation and it was answered, both legal steps to do and also a personal opinion on the matter. (which actually could be quite similar on a private forum).
Look I'll make it easy for you.
Judge: Did the service person provide the required service?
User: No he provided apples for his service, meaning little if anything, or not what I asked for.
Judge: So he did provide something then?
User: Yes but not what I wanted. Or that I agreed to initially
Judge: Is it reasonable to say what you wanted was above your own ability and therefore what service was provided was beyond your understanding, hence why you hired them?
User: Yes, I wasn't able to do it myself
Judge: Case thrown out.
Now I live in reality. I told the user to write up a review or let them know on their business Facebook page. But when the user seemingly became more irate (with this 'service' guy) I have informed them to leave it alone. Why? Because I actually don't feel he has a case and I prefer to inform people of the truth (as in my opinion

Why do I need to explain all this in detail? I know you don't understand all of this, as you are a legal minded person (possibly lawyer who knows), who will fight battles in court whilst others (the clients) become angrier, sadder or more and more frustrated.
I'm not going to defend myself to others anymore. I will help the OP as best as possible. Only the Mods (if any here?) or Admin can throw me out, as not creating money for the sharks here.