In 2003 a block of units was built next door, and they built up their land with a retaining wall on sloping boundary, about 20cm at lowest point at front to almost 1 metre at highest point at rear.
Over time, and more recently, it has started to fall onto my side of boundary, by about 30 cm in places where it it at highest.
When helping neighbour remove some of his trees at fence line, I found that this treated pine timber wall has no concrete footings, is placed only into the soil. It seems that the weight of soil is pushing it over. It is now at a stage where the top of 1.8m colorbond fence is about to make contact with the guttering on my garage.
Before I take this problem to the owners and strata manager, I feel that it should be repaired at their cost, since their builders installed it at their part of the development Am I correct that it is their responsibility, that I should not bear any repair costs? Thank you.
Over time, and more recently, it has started to fall onto my side of boundary, by about 30 cm in places where it it at highest.
When helping neighbour remove some of his trees at fence line, I found that this treated pine timber wall has no concrete footings, is placed only into the soil. It seems that the weight of soil is pushing it over. It is now at a stage where the top of 1.8m colorbond fence is about to make contact with the guttering on my garage.
Before I take this problem to the owners and strata manager, I feel that it should be repaired at their cost, since their builders installed it at their part of the development Am I correct that it is their responsibility, that I should not bear any repair costs? Thank you.