Long story as short as I can make it... Super amicable split with my husband nearly 4 years ago, divorce went through 30th June 2021. Have been saving to have the money to pay him out for his half of the property we owned jointly (this is the last bit left to do). Have found out I need to pay stamp duty (crazy that our divorce order isn't enough to sort this) and will need a form 11 signed off by the courts. As individual finances have now well moved on and we are completely independent (we are both in the mining industry and earn decent $) can I just fill out the property sections on the form 11?... the money in bank accounts/super/household furniture etc now doesn't make sense anymore as we have been split for so long and this is all done and dusted. Also do we actually need a lawyer/solicitor to sign off on this?... I'd like to avoid spending of money on something that isn't actually needed as we are amicable and the stamp duty is only around $6K. Seems like the whole system is set up for people who are yelling and screaming at each other and not for people who are amicable and have everything sorted. Any suggestions?