NSW Property Settlement Following Mediation

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Darren barrett

Active Member
7 June 2015
I have just finished mediation with my ex and have now had my home loan approved to buy her out. How much notice do I have to give for her to move out and what can I do if she refuses to move out (property settlement)?


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
Your best bet is to have everything written down into an agreement and then made into consent orders through the court. This will make the intended property settlement legally binding so that the court can hold a person in contravention if any of the orders are not fulfiled. You can do this yourselves. See the Family Court website here: If you agree about property and finance

Darren barrett

Active Member
7 June 2015
At mediation it was agreed that I had 2 months to sort out my finances and to try and buy her out. I have them sorted them out and the loan has been approved. I want to move back in ASAP. I worried she is going to drag this out