My neighbour hired a tree lopper to cut these big beautiful trees lining the back side of my property that were probably double the height (maybe more) of my house tall. The trees were on the neighbour's property and I'm sure they had every right to prune them. But the tree lopper they hired completely hacked at them and just cut them in half. The job is disgraceful, it does not look nice and neat at all.
The worst part is that the tree lopper came onto our property, without permission, ripped out my clothesline, ripped out my totum tennis pole with complete disregard and moved the trampoline across the backyard. That's trespassing and vandalism as far as I am concerned! Not even the neighbour mentioned that this was going to happen. No one tried to tell me or ask.
I remember them starting up two chainsaws at 7:30am this morning too, is that ok? And, we now have no privacy from the neighbours, no shade and it looks atrocious! What on earth! I came home and my backyard was ruined! I spoke to the neighbour who played dumb about the whole situation with very little English I could not understand. I think she was trying to avoid it and probably doesn't care. She did give me the tree lopper's details though. It all sounds like a dodgy cash job to me! But, now it's my bloody problem that I did not ask for!
Where do I stand under property law? Is it illegal? Should I have been told? Should they have asked for my permission? Is a permit required? Who will fix the damage? Can I claim for damages? Does it devalue my property now without the trees?
The worst part is that the tree lopper came onto our property, without permission, ripped out my clothesline, ripped out my totum tennis pole with complete disregard and moved the trampoline across the backyard. That's trespassing and vandalism as far as I am concerned! Not even the neighbour mentioned that this was going to happen. No one tried to tell me or ask.
I remember them starting up two chainsaws at 7:30am this morning too, is that ok? And, we now have no privacy from the neighbours, no shade and it looks atrocious! What on earth! I came home and my backyard was ruined! I spoke to the neighbour who played dumb about the whole situation with very little English I could not understand. I think she was trying to avoid it and probably doesn't care. She did give me the tree lopper's details though. It all sounds like a dodgy cash job to me! But, now it's my bloody problem that I did not ask for!
Where do I stand under property law? Is it illegal? Should I have been told? Should they have asked for my permission? Is a permit required? Who will fix the damage? Can I claim for damages? Does it devalue my property now without the trees?