I have a caveat interest in a property. The property was purchased whilst in a relationship with someone back in 2009. At that time I paid $230,000 to my partner for the property plus stamp duty in order that she could apply for a mortgage. The property is now worth $7, 000,000
A conveyancing agreement was drawn up through a solicitor but my name was never placed on the title.
Can this be done now under property law so that I can force sale of the property?
Since this agreement has been drawn up, I have been advised that the agreement was badly drafted, there was conflict of interest and it was contradictory.
A conveyancing agreement was drawn up through a solicitor but my name was never placed on the title.
Can this be done now under property law so that I can force sale of the property?
Since this agreement has been drawn up, I have been advised that the agreement was badly drafted, there was conflict of interest and it was contradictory.