Parent re location.

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Well-Known Member
2 February 2021
Just after some advise pls. This is a complex issue so will try to break it down to make it easier to understand.

Parent L and Parent E. 2 children A and R

Parents divorced Children now 19 and 16. Parents do not get along despite many years of legal meetings and family counselling .

19 year old now lives with parent L pretty much full time.

16 year old lives with parent E. Rarely attends school. Has become involved with a very bad group of other teens, now has extensive drug and alcohol issues, and resulting mental health issues, has moved out of home several times. At home has damaged property on many occasions, and is verbally very aggressive . ALL agencies, including extensive counselling and police have been involved with no positive result.

16 year old is planning to move out again, due to parent E yet again trying to get the child back to school and away from the bad influence of the group of teens the child is involved with. 16 year old intends to stay with a friend who like other times is unknown to either parent. Parent
E is now suffering severe anxiety and has been offered a new job but this means relocation. Parent L will still be in the same location and 16 year old can stay there if they choose to ( but refuses to do so)

Question. Can parent E be charged with Child abandonment if they take up the new job and relocate leaving the 16 year behind once they move out. Both parents have a stable work history and both provide a good home environment. Neither are bad uncaring parents, the 16 year old just got involved with the wrong group of teens and both parents have tried and done everything possible to try to help and get outside help for the 16 year old.