Hi all.
I own a flat in a block of 19 units. Owners have always put the 'outdoor part of their split system air conditioners' (which I'll refer to as the 'aircon') on our (small) balconies. About 6 months ago I noticed one owner had moved his aircon off his balcony, onto the front of the (common property) building (partly hidden by bushes). Then about a month ago I noticed he had put a second aircon, again on a (common property) wall, right next to the steps people take to enter the building.
I also noticed that the owner of the adjacent flat ( lets call him 'Owner2') had ALSO recently moved his aircon off his balcony, onto the outside wall (you can see its' pipe on the far left of the pic above).
I assumed these were all done without permission, and that the owners would be asked to remove them, but I was also suspicious, because [plot twist] both of these owners happen to be on the OC committee. I contacted the Body Corp manager who (to my astonishment) told me that this use of the common property was approved(!?) ... by the OC Committee. I should also mention that [plot twist2] Owner2's wife owns another flat in the building, and she is also on the committee... So... the committee had five people; three with a vested interest in wanting to free their balconies of aircons .. and...it seems that they used their positions on the committee to approve each other's requests .. without consulting the other owners.
Q1: Can an OC Committee make these kind of decisions? ie ones that (can be argued) permanently alter the external appearance of the building? Even though one could argue two of the aircons are partly hidden by shrubs, what if in future we wanted to redesign the garden beds?
Q2: I'm confident the other owners will object to this. Can the Committee members now be forced to remove their aircons, even though they were 'approved'?
Q3: If so, I assume they will argue that the OC (ie all owners) should pay for this, because the aircons were 'approved', BUT I read in the Owners Corporations Act 2006 Sec 117 that:
If committee members fail in these duties (I'm assuming only VCAT can decide/decree this), can be forced to pay for the removal of their aircons from the common property?
I own a flat in a block of 19 units. Owners have always put the 'outdoor part of their split system air conditioners' (which I'll refer to as the 'aircon') on our (small) balconies. About 6 months ago I noticed one owner had moved his aircon off his balcony, onto the front of the (common property) building (partly hidden by bushes). Then about a month ago I noticed he had put a second aircon, again on a (common property) wall, right next to the steps people take to enter the building.

I also noticed that the owner of the adjacent flat ( lets call him 'Owner2') had ALSO recently moved his aircon off his balcony, onto the outside wall (you can see its' pipe on the far left of the pic above).
I assumed these were all done without permission, and that the owners would be asked to remove them, but I was also suspicious, because [plot twist] both of these owners happen to be on the OC committee. I contacted the Body Corp manager who (to my astonishment) told me that this use of the common property was approved(!?) ... by the OC Committee. I should also mention that [plot twist2] Owner2's wife owns another flat in the building, and she is also on the committee... So... the committee had five people; three with a vested interest in wanting to free their balconies of aircons .. and...it seems that they used their positions on the committee to approve each other's requests .. without consulting the other owners.
Q1: Can an OC Committee make these kind of decisions? ie ones that (can be argued) permanently alter the external appearance of the building? Even though one could argue two of the aircons are partly hidden by shrubs, what if in future we wanted to redesign the garden beds?
Q2: I'm confident the other owners will object to this. Can the Committee members now be forced to remove their aircons, even though they were 'approved'?
Q3: If so, I assume they will argue that the OC (ie all owners) should pay for this, because the aircons were 'approved', BUT I read in the Owners Corporations Act 2006 Sec 117 that:
Duties of members of committees and sub‑committees
(1) A member of a committee or sub-committee of an owners corporation must, in the performance of the member's functions—
(a) act honestly and in good faith; and
(b) exercise due care and diligence; and
(c) act in the interests of the owners corporation.
(2) A member of a committee or sub-committee of an owners corporation must not make improper use of the member's position to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for the member or for any other person.
If committee members fail in these duties (I'm assuming only VCAT can decide/decree this), can be forced to pay for the removal of their aircons from the common property?
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