My home building dispute with a tiler has been ongoing since December 2014. NSW Fair Trading did not make rectification orders and referred me to NCAT. Now NSW Fair Trading will not intervene because it is a tribunal case. The tribunal is not enforcing the law.
The tiler has a continuance of non-compliances of tribunal orders, breached statutory warranty, breached their licence and did not have much evidence to prove their case. The tribunal website states tribunal orders must be complied and no emails are accepted as evidence and the tiler got away with this. The tribunal is not penalising the tiler for any of these offences.
The tiler has a continuance of non-compliances of tribunal orders, breached statutory warranty, breached their licence and did not have much evidence to prove their case. The tribunal website states tribunal orders must be complied and no emails are accepted as evidence and the tiler got away with this. The tribunal is not penalising the tiler for any of these offences.