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Well-Known Member
22 March 2019
I wasn’t sure where to put on this site so considering the issue is a result of a criminal case I’ll post here.
What are the legalities in news articles written about court outcomes? I have a news article written about my sentencing outcome (community service and 15 month corrections order).

I’m the article my name is obviously in it - but also states where I was originally from, where I have moved too since the original crime committed and what line of work I am in. Surely that is too much information? Or because it was mentioned within the court it’s completely fine for public knowledge?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Public knowledge.
Do you reckon the newspapers would publish IF you had any legal recourse to take them to town over their decision to publish?

Not sure if they still do, but in small towns page 3 of the paper was a list. Drink drive, assault, shop lift. etc. It's all on the public record so no law against publishing it.

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
Or because it was mentioned within the court it’s completely fine for public knowledge?
Absent a court order to say otherwise (which you don't have), court outcomes are public.
Any person could have sat in court and seen and heard what happened.
The newspaper is reporting something that happened in, literally, open court.

That it may be humiliating or embarrassing to you personally
(or indeed, hurtful to your family, or your connections, or might cost you your job) is not a factor.