NSW Negotiation with ex's lawyers? Self representation

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Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
She said my ex cant file a 46 page document as affidavit and annexure and she needs judge's permission to go over 10 page affidavit + 5 page annexure limit.
Perhaps the lawyer has received leave (permission) or is relying on a rule... Hard to say.
To review my ex's 46 page allegations and give informal advice, solicitor's cost is 2,500
Perhaps have her only look over those pages that are most important to your application.... Unfortunately you are going to be up for some legal costs to give yourself the best chance of coming away with some decent interim orders..
I want to do everything possible to ensure I put my daughter at the centre of decision making.
Sounds like you are doing that.... My advice is look after yourself as well. Your own mental & physical health is important too... There is almost zero chance that she will get final orders she is seeking, ie, SPR & supervised visits only unless you are an axe murderer or something.... The court registrar will make it clear what the court considers minimum to form & maintain a meaningful relationship


Well-Known Member
9 November 2017
What is your daughter interested in? What does she enjoy? That is more important to her (than you doing the "right thing").

*Avoid personalising or specific details on this site too. Name, number of pages, specific times and days, etc.