NSW Mutual trust eroded, 50/50, other party sole director (without casting vote), oh & (nearly?) insolvent. Any avenues?

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Active Member
30 January 2021
So a few years ago, my mental illness prevented me running the company i'd started in the 90s, so I gave a good mate 50% & allowed him become sole director. How daft (no agreements etc). I was given say 2-5% pa profit - shut up money - slowly became frenemys. I demanded financial reports a while ago, got 2019 basic. Awesome profit. I then learn company assets are held by his family trust, his family are on the payroll, son has new car, loan account is eyewatering & in Jan 2020 was warned/asked to agree to voluntary admin. Have zombied on but I am envisioning a train wreck soon (ATO?) 10 staff. Long established generally profitable business. Is there anything I can demand/do, preferably <$2k? Or is that just chucking good money after bad? Besides the 2019 I've never been given/shown/offered; any financial reports, no agm/no directors report/no minutes, but there were usually conversations several times a month.
He's a CPA, imo the business was fine until someone figured out they couldn't/weren't held to account, now I'd like to share the pain...
ps pretty sure the constitution does not give the chairperson casting vote

thanks heaps


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
You need to spend money on a lawyer to review information. Not something you can do online.